Dear Family and Friends,
I am writing this to keep from going into Sophie's room right now... she is having a bit of a temper tantrum and I am trying to resist going in and picking her up - which is what I really want to do! She went down to bed at about 7:30 tonight and woke up at 10:18 crying. Sometimes she does this in her sleep and will go right back under but not tonight. She cried for about 5 minutes and then started screaming so Mom went in.
She has had gas medicine, a bottle and still having a fit. She is fine when I pick her up but cries when I put her down. Does that sound like a child in pain??? I think she is playing me. I'll give her a few more minutes and go back in.
Other than that, things have been going well. We are adjusting to the time change and settling into something of a routine. She has been to her Auntie Terry's several days this week to become familiar with her soon to be daycare. Next week I'll try leaving her there for an hour or so to see how she does. I think it will be harder on Mom than it will be for Sophie.
We have had several outings which have gone very well. She is becoming accustomed to the car seat and no longer cries when I put her in. Baby steps but steps nonetheless!
Chinamom and Sophie
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Updated photos!
Dear Family and Friends,
If you would like to see new photos from China, just scroll back down to my previous posts. I've added pictures to the days we were there. I will add new ones from home later- I'm very tired and need to get some sleep tonight!
If you would like to see new photos from China, just scroll back down to my previous posts. I've added pictures to the days we were there. I will add new ones from home later- I'm very tired and need to get some sleep tonight!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Home at last!
Dear Family and Friends,
Sorry it has taken me so long to post but the days are just melting away and the jet lag is torture! My daughter is struggling with changing her former days into night and Mom is exhausted!
We arrived home very late on Saturday night. The day was long as we were up at 4:30 AM to be ready to leave for the airport in Guangzhou at 5:45 AM. Sophie slept most of the way from Guangzhou to Beijing. We had a 5 hour layover there before leaving for Chicago at 5:30 (local time). We had a phenomenal tail wind and arrived an hour early in Chicago - God answered every one's prayers that we would make our connecting flight to Manchester! We certainly needed every minute of that extra hour as it seemed everything that could possibly delay us getting through immigration and then customs, seemed to come up! But there too God gave us His blessings by providing us with people who expedited us along!
Sophie became a U.S. citizen the moment her Chinese passport was stamped by the Immigration officials! Hip, hip, hooray!
We were welcomed at the airport in Manchester by my sister in law and my niece and nephew, Gillian and Jared, as well as my good friends from church, Maria and Lucie! It was so good to see family and friends at that point. Thanks to you all for being there!
I will try to download new pictures soon so you can see my little pumpkin - you will have to wait for those from Forever Family Day as they are in my brother's camera and he will need to provide me with copies of those.
Thank you for all your prayers and support,
Love and blessings to all,
Chinamom and Sophie
Friday, January 18, 2008
Our Last Night In China
Dear Family and Friends,
This is our last night in China and I have mixed emotions. I am so very eager to get home, yet love China and the people I have met here. I almost wish I could have a few more days to see more of the country. But, I am happy to be able to get home and settle into a schedule with Sophie.
She remains a very easy baby. We are starting to figure one another out and it seems to get easier every day.
Today we did some sightseeing in Guangzhou. We visited and archeological dig of a king (at least that's who I think he was) - very intersting - they did a wonderful job of preserving what they could. Then we visited a Buddist Temple that is over 1,000 years old - Paul and the other family climbed the 17 stories to the top, but Sophie and I elected to stay on the ground. The stairs were rather steep and the last thing I needed was to fall down the stairs and fracture a kneecap or something! Sophie, of course, was very charming and flirty! She had two of the guards totally captivated! They talked to her and she laughed at all the right moments! Too cute, my baby! The little old ladies all loved to talk to her as well! At least today I didn't get stopped by the Clothing Police - I'll explain more later to those of you who don't know about this issue in China!
I've got to run for now, we have a very early morning call and I need to get some sleep.
See you all soon,
Chinamom and Sophie
This is our last night in China and I have mixed emotions. I am so very eager to get home, yet love China and the people I have met here. I almost wish I could have a few more days to see more of the country. But, I am happy to be able to get home and settle into a schedule with Sophie.
She remains a very easy baby. We are starting to figure one another out and it seems to get easier every day.
Today we did some sightseeing in Guangzhou. We visited and archeological dig of a king (at least that's who I think he was) - very intersting - they did a wonderful job of preserving what they could. Then we visited a Buddist Temple that is over 1,000 years old - Paul and the other family climbed the 17 stories to the top, but Sophie and I elected to stay on the ground. The stairs were rather steep and the last thing I needed was to fall down the stairs and fracture a kneecap or something! Sophie, of course, was very charming and flirty! She had two of the guards totally captivated! They talked to her and she laughed at all the right moments! Too cute, my baby! The little old ladies all loved to talk to her as well! At least today I didn't get stopped by the Clothing Police - I'll explain more later to those of you who don't know about this issue in China!
I've got to run for now, we have a very early morning call and I need to get some sleep.
See you all soon,
Chinamom and Sophie
Thursday, January 17, 2008
All set to go home on Saturday!
Dear Family and Friends,
Here we are in Guangzhou - we got in very late last night and didn't get settled into the hotel until after midnight. We had an early call this morning for the babies physicals and visa pictures so we didn't get much sleep. Our appointment for the oath at the US consulate was moved up to this afternoon so technically we are all set for Sophie and Brooklyn to get back to the United States on Saturday. This leaves us free to tour and shop tomorrow (something we have certainly mastered in the last few days!)
Both girls did very well on their first plane rides from Nanchang to Guangzhou. Sophie kept everyone entertained with her singing and dancing (just really bobbing her head back and forth - but very cute!). Brooklyn slept nearly the whole way here. I am praying Saturday will go just as well for the long ride home!
I need to go for now. My little princess is getting restless - time for bed!
BUT, she does want to wish her Auntie Claudette a Happy Birthday! Here you go Auntie:
uhuyttgok hyby hhnuturfgyedtk (I think that's happy birthday in baby Chinese!)
Chinamom and Sophie
Here we are in Guangzhou - we got in very late last night and didn't get settled into the hotel until after midnight. We had an early call this morning for the babies physicals and visa pictures so we didn't get much sleep. Our appointment for the oath at the US consulate was moved up to this afternoon so technically we are all set for Sophie and Brooklyn to get back to the United States on Saturday. This leaves us free to tour and shop tomorrow (something we have certainly mastered in the last few days!)
Both girls did very well on their first plane rides from Nanchang to Guangzhou. Sophie kept everyone entertained with her singing and dancing (just really bobbing her head back and forth - but very cute!). Brooklyn slept nearly the whole way here. I am praying Saturday will go just as well for the long ride home!
I need to go for now. My little princess is getting restless - time for bed!
BUT, she does want to wish her Auntie Claudette a Happy Birthday! Here you go Auntie:
uhuyttgok hyby hhnuturfgyedtk (I think that's happy birthday in baby Chinese!)
Chinamom and Sophie
Monday, January 14, 2008
Nanchang, China
Dear Family and Friends,
We are here in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China. We got here Sunday morning at about 11 am. We got to the hotel at about noon or a bit later and learned we would be getting our babies at 4PM that day! I was pretty nervous the last hour before we left for the Civil affairs office. My stomach was stuck in my throat for some strange reason!
We only had to cross the street to get to the office but it was a harrowing experience! The traffic here is unbelievable. New York and Boston have nothing on these drivers!
The babies arrived a little late to the office, but it was exciting nonetheless. We were the only two families in the room at the time. Sophie was smiling and happy right from the start. The other little girl, Brooklyn, cried non stop for the next hour and a half. The only time she didn't cry was when, believe it or not, was when PAUL held her!!! She actually starting screaming when her new mom or dad came near her! She only wanted Paul!.
Sophie has been sleeping through the night from the start. She is such a good baby! Very funny little thing. Wish I could post pictures but can't as I didn't bring a computer and am using the business center at one yuan per minute!
Yesterday we went to the notary office and police station to complete paperwork and are now waiting for her passport before we leave for Guangzhou and our consulate appointment.
Here is a message from Sophie.
vbu iiibbbbb zx nf7fffffffgggggggggggggggggg
For those of you who read baby Chinese, you will understand what she is saying, for the rest of you, too bad - looks like you are out of luck!
Need to close for now.
Love you all,
Chinamom and Sophie
We are here in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China. We got here Sunday morning at about 11 am. We got to the hotel at about noon or a bit later and learned we would be getting our babies at 4PM that day! I was pretty nervous the last hour before we left for the Civil affairs office. My stomach was stuck in my throat for some strange reason!
We only had to cross the street to get to the office but it was a harrowing experience! The traffic here is unbelievable. New York and Boston have nothing on these drivers!
The babies arrived a little late to the office, but it was exciting nonetheless. We were the only two families in the room at the time. Sophie was smiling and happy right from the start. The other little girl, Brooklyn, cried non stop for the next hour and a half. The only time she didn't cry was when, believe it or not, was when PAUL held her!!! She actually starting screaming when her new mom or dad came near her! She only wanted Paul!.
Sophie has been sleeping through the night from the start. She is such a good baby! Very funny little thing. Wish I could post pictures but can't as I didn't bring a computer and am using the business center at one yuan per minute!
Yesterday we went to the notary office and police station to complete paperwork and are now waiting for her passport before we leave for Guangzhou and our consulate appointment.
Here is a message from Sophie.
vbu iiibbbbb zx nf7fffffffgggggggggggggggggg
For those of you who read baby Chinese, you will understand what she is saying, for the rest of you, too bad - looks like you are out of luck!
Need to close for now.
Love you all,
Chinamom and Sophie
Friday, January 11, 2008
Dear Family and Friends,
Hello from China!
It was a very long flight, longer than I imagined - 13 hours on one leg of the trip just about did me in! Couldn't sleep on the plane for more than about 2 hours total after not sleeping well the night before! But, we made it and here we are in Beijing.
Yesterday was a very full day. First toured the Forbidden City then had lunch at a wonderful little restaraunt. We then went out to the Temple of Heaven for the afternoon then an amazing acrobatic show! I still say the human body should not be able to do some of the things they did!
We ended the evening with dinner at another delightful restaurant.
In bed by 9:30 - very exhausted but unable to sleep past 4AM!
Today we will be at the Great Wall and meet Samuel, the director for my adoption agency, who is here on business, and we will tour Living Hope's school later in the day.
I will try to post pictures when we get to Nanchang, where we should have internet access in the room rather than having to use the business center.
Hope all is well at home.
Sophie will be with me tomorrow afternoon!!
Hello from China!
It was a very long flight, longer than I imagined - 13 hours on one leg of the trip just about did me in! Couldn't sleep on the plane for more than about 2 hours total after not sleeping well the night before! But, we made it and here we are in Beijing.
Yesterday was a very full day. First toured the Forbidden City then had lunch at a wonderful little restaraunt. We then went out to the Temple of Heaven for the afternoon then an amazing acrobatic show! I still say the human body should not be able to do some of the things they did!
We ended the evening with dinner at another delightful restaurant.
In bed by 9:30 - very exhausted but unable to sleep past 4AM!
Today we will be at the Great Wall and meet Samuel, the director for my adoption agency, who is here on business, and we will tour Living Hope's school later in the day.
I will try to post pictures when we get to Nanchang, where we should have internet access in the room rather than having to use the business center.
Hope all is well at home.
Sophie will be with me tomorrow afternoon!!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
New Photos!
Dear Family and Friends,
WOW! One week from today, when you get up in the morning, I will be spending the first night with my daughter in the same room! Hopefully she will be sleeping at this time! It's very surreal. It just doesn't seem like this is happening - at least not yet.
I got some new pictures from the orphanage late last week. I had arranged through a service called "Blessed Kids" for Sophie to get a birthday cake to celebrate her first birthday. They were thrilled to have it arrive and invited 6 of Sophie's best friends to help celebrate! I'll post a few on the sidebar but here is a sample of the photos:

Aren't they the best? What a blessing it was to receive them!
I will try to update you before we leave, but time is quickly passing me by and I may not be able to talk to you before we go. Keep us in prayer as we leave on Wednesday and hope to be home Saturday the 19th. (Our connecting flight to Manchester is the last one out of Chicago....)
"But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD; I say, "You are my God." My times are in Your hand"
Psalm 31: 14-15
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Getting Closer....
Dear Family and Friends,
I have been very bad about updating you and ask your forgiveness! The days are flying by and very soon we will be on our way to China!
Flights to and from China have been booked and I am waiting to hear from my adoption agency with the in China details. They hope to have things in place tomorrow.
We are leaving Wednesday morning and my sister, Terry, has very kindly agreed to get up very early and take us to the airport. We need to be there by 4:30 AM so you know how early we all need to get up that day!
The plan is to arrive back home Saturday the 19th. Our flight comes in about 9PM but I am a bit concerned about making the connection in Chicago. We have just under 2 hours to deplane, go through Immigration, collect our bags, go through customs and check in our bags for the flight to Manchester which is, of course, 4 terminals away from where we land!
Please pray that we make that connection or we may well be staying in Chicago overnight as I think it's the last flight out to Manchester.... It's always something! Nothing seems to go smoothly when it comes to this journey!
Keep checking the blog while we are gone - I will somehow find a way to get you updated!
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